

Developer & Designer

Lead Software Engineer with a passion for designing & making great products for Apple platforms


house ()

Staff Soft­ware En­gi­neer

Lead transition to SwiftUI. Guided removal of core components.

Cross-team leadership to ensure clear sync & quality product. Drove changes of product, process, & team.

Worked with UI/UX to finalize & implement full redesign. Documented & encoded the design system.


Yes Health ()

Lead Soft­ware En­gi­neer

Coordinated engineering multiplat health products. Converted ObjC codebase to SwiftUI. Enhanced diversity & inclusion.

Implemented department-wide processes & best practices, version control, a documentation system, etc.

Worked with UI/UX to redesign & rebrand those products.


PKWare ()

Sen­ior Soft­ware En­gi­neer

Maintained & invented personal file encryption software for macOS and iOS, as well as internal libraries to support these.

Completely redesigned the iOS app from the ground up to focus on core competencies, improve accessibility, and optimize flow.

RR Don­nel­ley
Soft­ware Ar­chi­tect


Ion­ic Se­cu­ri­ty ()

Soft­ware En­gi­neer III

Engineered user-facing file encryption and access software for macOS. Collaborated on a company-wide software platform to allow such client software to be made consistent on many other platforms, including macOS, Android, Windows, and iOS.

Worked closely with UI/UX team to hone the design of multiple company products, including graphics, animations, user flows, and overall experience.


Re­newed Vi­sion ()

mac­OS Soft­ware En­gi­neer

Built industry-leading professional presentation software for macOS. Collaboratively created software platforms with open-source & proprietary tech: advanced auto font scaling, inspector, & animated grid item selector.

Designed dozens of icons & other graphics, user flows, interface approaches, animations, and more.


NCR — Small & Medi­um Busi­ness ()

Mo­bile Soft­ware En­gi­neer

Built industrial-scale point-of-sale firmware for Android & app for iOS, handling millions of dollars per week. Implemented headlining features such as 64-bit support, EMV payments, scale-weighing of items, & future orders, including any hardware drivers necessary for these.

Worked alongside UI/UX team to revamp the system's look-and-feel.

Web De­vel­op­er & De­sign­er



Co­lum­bus State Uni­ver­sity (Geor­gia, )

Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Com­put­er Sci­ence